

This is the supporting website for the book Larps from the Factory.

The book contains 23 larpscripts that enable you to run larps that have been designed for the Larp Factories in Oslo and Trondheim. You can buy the book here.

This site includes all the downloadable material mentioned in the book. You can find the supporting material for each larp under the Larps tab in the menu. Each larp's page also contains video demonstrating the methods used.

If you only wish to look at the videos, you will find links to each of them on the Video page that you find under the Video tab in the menu.

Finally the pages are open for (moderated) comments. We hope that if you run a game, you might write a bit about how it went or link to reports on other places on the web. That way the original creators can hear how it went, and people who are contemplating running the larp can learn from your experiences.

Have fun!